Wood fuel
“There is widespread acceptance that biomass, including bioenergy with CSS and energy from waste, has a key role to play in achieving net zero. The question is where and how biomass is best used to deliver on our targets – whether that is for generating electricity or other purposes.”
BEIS, Government Response to Climate Change Committee 2020 Progress Report to Parliament.
Kiln Dried Firewood Logs
Our logs are produced from suitable incoming tree waste, comprising a variety of hardwoods. The logs are random in length (up to 33cm). If you need shorter logs, please specify when ordering. These can either be ordered as a single load (0.8 cubic metres) or a double load (1.6 cubic metres). A complimentary bag of kindling is included with every load and additional bags are available upon request.
They are dried using a Lauber drying system powered by a biomass boiler, enabling us to be confident they are <20% moisture.
We are certified Ready to Burn, which means our firewood conforms to The Air Quality Regulations 2020. Ready to Burn ensures that all firewood sold is dry enough to immediately burn, reducing the detrimental environmental impacts of burning poor quality firewood. Certificate No. WS799/00001 and WS799/00002.
Delivery is included within 15 miles of Odiham, available 6 days a week.
Biomass Woodchip
G K Benford & Co is a member of the Hampshire Woodfuel Cooperative (www.hwfc.co.uk) and Robert is a director. The cooperative brings together local woodland owners across Hampshire, delivering their timber to the biomass market and giving them a stake in this expanding sector.
Incoming arboricultural waste that is unsuitable for making either logs or compost is chipped for use in biomass boilers. The cooperative is responsible for marketing the chip.
The co-op offers both G50 and G30, which we can be delivered to or collected by end users in smaller or larger quantities (5 to 100 cubic metres per load).
Occasionally we have stock of oak G30, which would be appropriate for smaller consignments due to better energy density of each load.
Biomass boilers vary in their tolerance of wet fuel, but most do not run well on chip with a moisture content higher that 30 percent. The maritime UK climate can be quite challenging when trying to produce naturally dried chip with a moisture content below 30%. Our Lauber drying system (www.lauber-holztrockner.de) powered by a REKA biomass boiler enables us to supply consistently dry chip. If you are claiming RHI payments it is essential that the fuel used aligns with your certificate.
As a fuel, woodchip biomass is competitive with natural gas. Typical applications include heating small groups of houses, large individual houses, schools or glasshouses, where mains gas is not available. The Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) made this a highly attractive option but is now closed to new installations. Accredited boilers can be relocated and benefit from the pre-existing incentives.
The chip can also be used as a degradable surface for cars, horses or runners, cattle bedding, or as a cheap substitute for bark mulch.